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Make the commitment to go Paperless with MTC's on-line payment options

MTC is looking to reduce its paper footprint by asking customers to sign up for paperless billing with SmartHub. Did you know that in the past four decades, the use of paper has risen by 400%. Deforestation has become a major problem. Roughly, 26% of solid waste dumped in dumping sites is discarded paper and paperboard. Paper is recyclable, but not everyone recycles. There needs to be more of an effort to be conscious about the amount of paper we use.

Let's look at some statistics:

  • Estimated 40% of waste in the US is paper products

  • 30,000,000 Acres of forest are destroyed annually

  • 40% of that wood is used to produce paper

  • 1 piece of 8.5in by 11in paper takes 10 liters of water to produce

  • The paper industry is the 5th largest consumer of energy in the world

  • When paper products rot in landfills they produce methane

  • When paper is burned or composted, it produces carbon dioxide

  • The Pulp and Paper industry is the 3rd largest industrial polluter to air, water and land in the US

Through SmartHub, you'll be notified when your bill is ready and you can pay securely with just a few clicks on a mobile app or on your computer. This tool will help you manage your account, make it easy to pay your bill on-line or to report an outage. It's simple and easy to use ... go to the MTC website ( and click on PAY MY BILL. You will need your Account number and Last Name on the account to sign in. It's that easy and it's FREE.

Make the commitment to go paperless by using SmartHub and take that step in helping our environment and reducing the amount of paper we use.



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